Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Courage to Expose Pain and Exploitations

Never be without the remembrance of God, for His remembrance provides the bird of the spirit with strength, feathers, and wings.--The Sufi Path Of Love--The Spiritual Teaching of Rumi

For a number of years now, I have been attempting to recovery blocked memories which were stagnated due to a United States Governmental human experimentation program, mainly, Mk-Ultra. A brutal medically unethical project which parallels other inhumane historical acts, such as; Slavery in America, American Indian genocides, the German holocaust and many other extreme inhumane actions. Although, I have survived and endured many traumas in my life, somehow, I still hesitate to expose my total truth; due to fear of ridicule, not being believed, embarrassment and humiliation.

The truthful episodes of my life include the hallowed and the hollowed. Somewhere, between the ages of five and six, I had been kidnapped. Prior to age seven, the age of reason, I had been taken away from a secure and loving family and environment. I had been removed from the cultural, religious, economic and social status in which I had been reared. Nevertheless, and despite these brutal actions, by my seventh year, a most exceptional and extraordinary event happened in my life; I experienced a vision of Christ.

A most magnificent and miraculous illumination to descend upon a child who had through Mk-Ultra, and techniques like hypnosis and psycho driving, been hollowed.

The protective self, the misaligned ego, the horror of the usurpation of the secular over the sacred.

I will share more of the fact of the vision in a future post. But for now let me share a short poem I wrote with you.

An opened space in time, seconds not assigned, the moment freed, found the spirit bound, in mournful eternity.

Thank all who visit my blog and may the New Year bring fulfilled dreams.


Maryam Ruhullah

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Shed

"Inch Worm, Inch Worm, measuring the Marigolds you and your arithmetic you'd probably to far. Inch worm, inch worm measuring the marigolds seems to me you'd stop and see how beautiful they are."

It was summer. A day of play and ease. I had heard often from neighbours, from the adults in the household where I lived at the time, "they really should cut down that unused shed, it's a danger, it's not safe."

I guess I will always wonder why the adults, the neighbours, the members of the block union did not follow through on the concern, the hunch to have the vacant shed torn down.. A streetcar track ran between and separated the blocks of Kensington Place and McMillion Street, in this primarily,residential neighbour. The fact of a storage shed once owned by a family who had recent moved away, still stood, lurked about like a fathom.

"Boy! I wish they would tear down that old shed" I once heard one of the children of the area say. "After all, ghost might hang out there or something worse."

The amazement or the nostalgia of a community which had never been touched by tragedy parallels that of a venerable utopia. The crimes and horrors heard on the nightly news were events that always, I surmised, always, happened somewhere else.

There was a four family flat directly across the street from the single family house where I lived. It was alright with the neighbourhood that a non-single family dwelling was situated in the center of the block on this almost exclusive single family housing area. Since the occupants of the flat worked in semi-professional occupations, they were accepted. With three of the ladies occupants being school teachers and their husband's worked in various fields like aircraft mechanics or steel mill workers, they were not snubbed, after all, they were respectable church goers. Historically, the same family had lived in the mentioned flat for two generations now. So, when the unexpected death of the patriarch of the family caused his wife to move with her sister, everyone assumed that the tradition of renting only to their family members' would be sustained.

The Harrison family owned the flat and had not rented to anyone not a family member since the structure had been built. In this close knit neighborhood everyone was somewhat like family. Everyone in the 4700 block of Kensington Place knew the other neighbor's on a first name exchange. There was very little visiting in and out of neighbour's home; but neighbours always, I mean always. spoke and exchanged pleasantries on chance meetings.

When the new neighbours moved in, no welcoming committee greeted them. After all, this was the first time someone not known by someone else in the community had moved into this community for over twenty years.

The woman of the new family did not work outside of the home and the husband was in maintenance. They had one child, a daughter and she was perhaps eight or nine. It was rumored that the husband worked more than one job and was rarely at home. I heard that the late Mr. Harrison had been the new neighbour's supervisor while developing a friendship and feeling a little sorry for the cordial man. It was said that Mr. Harrison had told his wife that the man had never gotten a break in life and wanted to move into a neighbourhood where his daughter would be able to attend a good school. Furthermore, it was told that the man one day mentioned to the tender hearted Mr. Harrison, that people did not think that a man who cleaned toilets and mopped floors had dreams. It was reported that Mr. Harrison promised the down-trotted man that if ever a place in his flat became available, he would have an opportunity to move his family into a better neighbourhood. Probably, Harrison never believed there would be an opening in his building, but, still, life's full of the unpredictable.

Consequently, when the humble janitor one day appeared on the door step of the widow Harrison, espousing his respect and admiration for her late husband while sharing his ambition for creating a better life for his family, that staging seemed to have been the catalyse needed by Mrs. Harrison to move with her also widowed sister who had been pleading for her company. Displeased with the decision, the community words were. "Well, we will have to keep a close watch on that new family," so decided the block union board members as well.

Not surprisingly, the new family never really passed the acceptability test. The decision was made and upheld not to invite the young eight year old girl to the Watkins' weekly, homemade ice cream party, after all, too little was known about the family and especially since a man had started visiting the household often while the head of the household was not at home.

When it was later learned that the frequent male visitor was the husband's brother, the party invitation was still withheld when a second questioned rose retarding,why the brother had so much time on his hands since he was seen visiting during the day. as well as late evening. How it was learned that the brother worked as a independent handyman and wanting to make sure that his sister-in-law and niece were safe and doing okay in the new neighbourhood, his frequent appearances did not cause fewer questions.

How is it that close consanguinity shame can often sinks deeper than that of the perpetrators? Could that factor hinge on previous denial. The internal mental batting away of obvious facts and signs. The escaped phrases which do not retract like the slivering snake's tongue, "My brother could never do the things of which he was accused. His so good with my daughter. He could never hurt a child."

After the new neighbours had been in the community for six months or a little longer, unusual things began to happen, in this traditionally predictable neighbourhood. The Parkers' pedigree Afghan Hound was nowhere to be found one evening when they arrived home. Bill Johnson's prized Motobecane Fly mountain bike was not in his unlocked backyard storage unit the weekend of an amateur race. At first, it just seemed too easy to blame the neighbour's brother; but what was the other rationale.

An emergency block union meeting was called when the Smith's lawnmower along with the O'Neil's most adorable Coton de Tutear puppy vanished. Of course, the children of the neighbour were never told what was discussed at the meeting. Unless, somehow, something was over heard by curious little ears. The only thing known by those who became the most affected by the new neighbour's sibling threat was the feeling of totally powerlessness mingled with fear.

I, for one, suddenly, without fully realizing the fact, began to quicken my gait when returning from the corner candy store with my daily purchase of a Hostess cupcake. When the Stevenson's pet collie, Colonel, the neighbourhood children's favored pet, one afternoon was not to be found, Kensington Place became forever changed. Like, an undetected slow leak, gradually, the standards of the community changed and deflated. After the brutal rapes one day of three elementary school girls in the vacant shed, the previous question of whose responsibility it was to tear down the storage facility was never asked again.

The powerless often suffer from the procrastination and indifference of those in the position of decision-making and authority. It is not acceptable that daily humankind must lives with invisible stingers. These stingers being criminal injustices such as, plausible deniability, for reason of national security, and the arrogance which refuses to answer for its crimes.

Maryam Ruhullah

"I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frostwork, but the solidest things we know. For now, after so many ages of experience, what do we know of nature, or of ourselves? Not one step has man taken toward the solution of the problems of his destiny." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, 25 September 2011


Our inner strengths, experiences, and truths cannot be lost, destroyed, or taken away. Every person has an inborn worth and can contribute to the human community. We all can treat one another with dignity and respect, provide opportunities to grow toward our fullest lives and help one another discover and develop our unique gifts. We each deserve this and we all can extend it to others.
Mark Twain quotes

A primary objective when creating this blog was to raise awareness regarding
one of the most intellectually invasive crimes against personal freedom, that being Mk-Ultra. When I stepped forward in an attempt to find justice elements not considered were the severity of exposing self to insensitivity and ridicule. Mk-Ultra is one of the most defacing and humiliating realities an individual could ever face. Your personal sense of self–awareness is depleted, your core drives are blocked and innate instincts are dulled and subjugated. The unwitting subject of human experimentation who experiences forced subjugation of innate drives, propensities, talents and spiritual acumen becomes a mentally caged prisoners.

I currently realize that although I am looking for acknowledgement from the United States Government regarding my unwitting involvement in Mk-Ultra, I must also admit to myself that I am no longer capable of accessing and expressing my own talents. I can not practice law nor can I pick-up a phone and call my children or friends. I take action daily attempting to get my rights and life returned to me. At this time, I want to stop and give thanks to a radio talk show host, Mr. Stephen Lendman who allowed me to be a guest on his Progressive Radio Show.

Steve Lendman published an article regarding the upcoming show several days prior to the show. Please find below the said article and know that although the show occurred over a year ago, due to the article my story reached a wide audience. Due to the mentioned article my pens name: Maryam Ruhullah can be Googled and the article written by Stephen Lendman can still be accessed.

MK-ULTRA Victim Maryam Ruhullah

This writer will interview Ruhullah and Dr. James Randall Noblitt, a licensed psychologist, on The Progressive Radio News Hour (on The Progressive Radio Network), February 18 at 10AM US Central time to discuss MK-ULTRA, Ruhullah's experience and Noblitt's work with survivors of extreme abuse and individuals afflicted with identity dissociation. Noblitt is a Professor at the California School of Professional Psychology and Chair of the International Society of Trauma and Dissociation Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Interest Group.

The program will be archived for later listening.

As an MK-ULTRA victim, Ruhullah's memory was impaired and somewhat still is because of what she experienced. She explained it as follows.

In the early 1970s, she lived in Boston, MA, was married with a six-year old son, and as a lawyer worked for a prestigious firm, its name she can't remember. "One day, two federal agents came to (her) home unannounced," asking her to be a federal witness against an alleged organized crime figure. For her safety, they explained, she'd be placed in protective custody for a period not exceeding six months. She was asked to leave her family and job immediately, and say nothing to her husband and employer.

She "was forced to leave (her) home with the agents that day." She got no choice, and "was treated more like a prisoner than a witness." She couldn't use the phone or communicate with anyone, was transfered frequently, and held in "very low budget places," during which time her life "became a succession of abuses and exploitations."

"To this day," she says, she doesn't know precisely "when or why the government decided to use" her for MK-ULTRA experimentation, "but one day (she) was a mother, wife, and attorney, then, (later) had no memory of (her) past."

Having partly recovered it, she recalls "being given non-medically necessary electro-shock treatments. This was done to create amnesia (to block her) core personality and replac(e) it with" only need-to-know information.

She remembers "that the shock treatment given (her) was so severe and often that one day something happened and" she wasn't returned to her room. She now speaks of "an unbelievable long list of horrid exploitations and inhumane abuses" done to her.

In the late 1980s, fragments of her memory returned. She sought information on her case through an FOIA request, but was told no records were found. From 1992 - 1996, no one helped her until a member of B'nai Brith, Stephanie Suleiman, offered to do so but needed a few weeks to complete other work.

When Ruhullah recontacted her, she learned that "this thirty-two year old mother of two died of a heart attack," very suspicious given her age.

Ruhullah also explains that federal agents stopped communicating with her. Her experiences were "totally removed from the public record," and she went from "being a missing person to becoming a person erased." She's now divorced and unable to contact her children and former friends. "The US government does not want (her) story told."

She adds that the "only way (she) can measure (her) length of time held (is) by her son's age. (He) was six when (agents) entered (her) home, and he is (now) in his late thirties." She considers herself to have been continuously separated from her children, grandchildren, family, friends, assets, memories, and educated skills.

She calls each day "an experience of being held against (her) will while living in a vat of bureaucratic arrogance which refuses to acknowledge what was done (made worse by stopping (her) from getting (her) life back." Each day she's "being more injured and having more of (her) life robbed from" her.

She says she "was not released from custody." After being used for medical experiments, she was "given an implanted false identity, then left penniless and without proof of (her) true identity or lineage." She still considers herself a prisoner, a body with no persona, with little knowledge of her former self, stripped of everything important in her life.

MK-ULTRA and Ruhullah's story will be featured on the Progressive Radio News Hour on February 18 at 10AM US Central time on The Progressive Radio Network. Listen live or later through archives.

Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to the Lendman News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Monday - Friday and The Progressive Radio News Hour Thursdays and weekends for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.

posted by Steve Lendman @ 3:11 AM

Thanks those of you who follow my blog.


Maryam Ruhullah

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The Statute of Limitation

God Listens not to your words save when He Himself utters them through your lips.
By Kahlil Gibran in the Prophet

On this seemingly uneventfully summer day, some of the children of this diverse middle to upper middle class professional neighborhood could be seen on bicycles, playing hopscotch, jacks, dodged ball or the favored game of many children, hide and seek. It was now several months into summer break when, due to restless energy, two older boys from the less prestigious side of the community decided to challenge boys from the more affluent area to a weekly bicycle race.

Although the boys of a lesser god from locations like Kensington Street, McMillion Avenue and Walton Drive did not believe that the boys from the private avenues such as Lewis Place, Westminster Lane or Fountain Terrace would accept the challenge; they were competitive surprised and excited when their skepticism proved incorrect.

The area of town where the race was to take place was situated within walking distance of four local hospitals. That fact accounted for the rigid social stratagem which separated doctor's children from the children of families of a lower hierarchy. Traditionally, children of the more affluent residents never socialized with the children of a lesser tier, until the advent and orchestration of the weekly race.

This robust race soon connected children within a five mile radius while the competition began to take on its own momentum and purpose.

On a rich brightly lite summer morning, the first day of what was soon to become the infamous race, as the boys from the higher end streets arrived, simultaneously, on their shinny, seemingly new, Primos, Battaglins, Pinarellos and Focuses; also travel were an array of other expensive and impressive two wheeled vehicles. Then, when, in meeting, a succession of exaltation's like; "Wow, unbelievable, awesome," instantaneously, the proverbial ice was melted.

In the affluent residential area of town, the rigid social stratagem was religious adhered too, except on the day of the bike race. The children of doctors associated exclusively with other kids of like parental hierarchy.

It was in such a neighbour, on a lovely summer day, that two men who were alleged members of organized crime, crept into this neighborhood of naivete and in front of four children killed a three month old child. The infant's mother was also a witness to this horrific crime. The criminal action against this child, or more precisely, this infant, that caused its death was a cruel and intentional murdered.

Statute of Limitation or Ripley's believe it or not. As a child, even when I heard the words, I had no idea what mafia or organized crime meant. The two men who where in the home of Calvin and Dovie Johnson on ,that, what appeared as an, ordinary summer day, were very versed on the topic of the Statute of Limitation. In all of the fifty states within the United States there is no Statute of Limitation on murder. Although, it is significantly appropriate, that murderers will always be held accountable for their crimes. Yes, it is very significant that no time limit for taking a killer to trial is set, yet when the intentional killing of a three month old infant is committed; it's too bad that the stature can not extend into some portion of eternity.

Freddie Mae Richard, mother of the infant, had been attempting to become a mother for over four years. One would never know this fact as she could always be seen with a wide smile on her fact and a quick step. One day as I was walking home from the candy store, she stopped me, stating, "don't be afraid, my pastor told me to do this." She then placed her right hand on my right forearm for a few minutes. She then closed her eyes for a while and prayed. Following, she smiled, gave me a huge hug and walked back across the street to her house.

Three months after the birth of her first and only child, the infant was killed by members of the mafia and the only reason given for this brutal act was that some, "THEY," did not want any person of spiritual acumen to advance into public awareness. Believe it or not, that was the only explanation cited for cruel crime.

Freddie Mae and her husband divorced years later but the last time I saw her, she still wore that infectious, never ending smile.

As the correlation between the Statute of Limitation and Ripley's Believe It or Not, continues, years later, due to Mk-Ultra one of the children who witnessed the murder confessed to the crime. The infant's mother vehemently stated that the person who confessed had nothing to do with her daughter's death but the infamous, "THEY's," the engineers of project like MKULTRA value no ones rights or life.

Statute of limitations
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A statute of limitations is an enactment in a common law legal system that sets the maximum time after an event that legal proceedings based on that event may be initiated. In civil law systems, similar provisions are typically part of the civil code or criminal code and are often known collectively as periods of prescription.

Common law legal system might have a statute, for example, limiting the time for prosecution of a debt or crimes designated as misdemeanors to two years after the offense occurred. Under such a statute, if a person is discovered to have committed a misdemeanor three years earlier, the time has expired for the person to be prosecuted. While it may seem unfair to forbid prosecution of crimes that law enforcement can later prove to a standard required by law (cf., e.g., Beyond a reasonable doubt, Clear and convincing evidence, and Preponderance of the evidence), the purpose of a statute of limitations or its equivalent is to ensure that the possibility of punishment for an act committed long ago cannot give rise to either a person's incarceration or the criminal justice system's activation. In short, unless the crime is exceptionally heinous in nature (such as murder where there generally is no statute of limitations), social justice as enacted through law says that lesser crimes from long ago are best left alone so as not to distract attention from more serious crimes.
[edit] Reasons for statutes of limitation
One reason is that, over time, evidence can be corrupted or disappear, memories fade, crime scenes are changed, and companies dispose of records. The best time to bring a lawsuit is while the evidence is not lost and as close as possible to the alleged illegal behavior. Another reason is that people want to get on with their lives and not have legal battles from their past come up unexpectedly. The injured party has a responsibility to quickly bring about charges so that the process can begin.
Limitations periods begin when a cause of action is deemed to have arisen or when a plaintiff had reason to know of the harm, rather than at the time of the original event. This distinction is significant in cases in which an earlier event causes a later harm (e.g., a surgeon negligently operates on a patient, who subsequently suffers the consequences of that negligence years later).
In a related concept, contracts may also have a term under which they may be the basis of a suit, and after which a plaintiff is held to have waived any right to claim. Under Article VI of the United States Constitution, private contracts cannot be abridged; this provision has been held by the United States Supreme Court to mean that the federal government or a State can only vitiate a contract if it directly opposes an important public policy. Similarly, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, codified into law applicable to European Union countries by the passage civil lawsuit, is said to have accrued when the event beginning its time limitation occurs. Sometimes it is the event itself that is the subject of the suit or prosecution (such as a crime or personal injury), but it may also be an event such as the discovery of a condition one wishes to redress, such as discovering a defect in a manufactured good, or in the case of controversial "repressed memory" cases where someone discovers memories of childhood sexual abuse long afterwards.
[edit] Statute of repose
An idea closely related, but not identical, to the statute of limitations is a statute of repose. A statute of repose limits the time within which an action may be brought and is not related to the accrual of any cause of action; the injury need not have occurred, much less have been discovered. Unlike an ordinary statute of limitations, which begins running upon accrual of the claim, the period contained in a statute of repose begins when a specific event occurs, regardless of whether a cause of action has accrued or whether any injury has resulted. This often applies to buildings and properties, and limits the time during which an action may lie based upon defects or hazards connected to the construction of the building or premises. An example of this would be that if a person is electrocuted by a wiring defect incorporated into a structure in, say, 1990, a state law may allow his heirs to sue only before 1997 in the case of an open (patent) defect, or before 2000 in the case of a hidden defect. Statutes of repose can also apply to manufactured goods. Manufacturers contend they are necessary to avoid unfairness and encourage consumers to maintain their property. Consumer groups argue that statutes of repose on consumer goods provide a disincentive for manufacturers to build durable products and to notify consumers of product defects as the manufacturers become aware of them. Consumer groups also argue that such statutes of repose disproportionately affect poorer people, since they are more likely to own older goods.
[edit] Expiry
Once the time allowed for a case by a statute of limitations runs out, if a party raises it as a defense and that defense is accepted, any further litigation is foreclosed. Most jurisdictions provide that limitations are tolled under certain circumstances. Tolling will prevent the time for filing suit from running while the condition exists. Examples of such circumstances are if the aggrieved party (plaintiff) is a minor, or the plaintiff has filed a bankruptcy proceeding. In those instances, in most jurisdictions, the running of limitations is tolled until the circumstance (i.e., the injured party reaches majority in the former or the bankruptcy proceeding is concluded in the latter) no longer exists.
There may be a number of factors that will affect the tolling of a statute of limitations. In many cases, the discovery of the harm (as in a medical malpractice claim where the fact or the impact of the doctor's mistake is not immediately apparent) starts the statute running. In some jurisdictions the action is said to have not accrued until the harm is discovered; in others, the action accrues when the malpractice occurs, but an action to redress the harm is tolled until the injured party discovers the harm.
As discussed in Wolk v. Olson, the discovery rule does not apply to mass-media publications such as newspapers and the Internet; the statute of limitations begins to run at the date of publication.
An action to redress a tort committed against a minor is generally tolled in most cases until the child reaches the age of majority. A ten-year-old who is injured in a car accident might therefore be able to bring suit one, two, or three years after he turns 18.
It may also be inequitable to allow a defendant to use the defense of the running of the limitations period, such as the case of an individual in the position of authority over someone else who intimidates the victim into never reporting the wrongdoing, or where one is led to believe that the other party has agreed to suspend the limitations period during good faith settlement negotiations or due to a fraudulent misrepresentation.
Generally speaking, in the case of private, civil matters, the limitations period may be shortened or lengthened by agreement of the parties. Under the Uniform Commercial Code the parties to a contract for sale of goods may reduce the limitations period to not less than one year but may not extend it.
Although such limitations periods generally are issues of law, limitations periods known as laches may apply in situations of equity (i.e., a judge will not issue an injunction if the party requesting the injunction waited too long to ask for it). Such periods are not clearly defined and are subject to broad judicial discretion.
For U.S. military cases, the Uniform Code of Military Justice states that all charges except for those facing general court martial (where a death sentence could be involved) have a five-year statute of limitation. This statute changes once charges have been prepared against the service member. In all supposed UCMJ violations except for those headed for general court martial, should the charges be dropped, there is a six-month window in which the charges can be reinstated. If those six months have passed and the charges have not been reinstated, the statutes of limitation have run out.
[edit] Prescription
In civil law countries and the U.S. State of Louisiana, almost all lawsuits must be started within a legally determined period. If they are presented after that time, an institution called prescription applies, which prevents them from filing the case.
For criminal cases, this means that the public prosecutor must prosecute within some time limit. The time limit varies from country to country, and increases with seriousness of the alleged crime (for example, in most jurisdictions, there is no statute of limitations for murder). When a time limit is suspended, it does not run (akin to hitting "Stop" on a stopwatch). Common triggers include the defendant being on the run. When a time limit is interrupted, it is restarted (like hitting "Reset" on a stopwatch). This may be triggered by a new crime committed.
If a criminal is on the run, he can be convicted in absence, in order to prevent prescription, or the time limit does not elapse during that time.
The prescription must not be confused with the need to prosecute within "a reasonable delay", an obligation imposed by the European Court of Human Rights. Whether the delay is reasonable or not, will depend on the complexity of the trial and the attitude of the suspect.
[edit] Exclusions
[edit] Fraud upon the court
In the United States, when an officer of the court is found to have fraudulently presented facts to court so that the court is impaired in the impartial performance of its legal task, the act, known as "fraud upon the court", is a crime deemed so severe and fundamentally opposed to the operation of justice that it is not subject to any statute of limitation.
Officers of the court include: Lawyers, Judges, Referees, and those appointed; Guardian Ad Litem, Parenting Time Expeditors, Mediators, Rule 114 Neutrals, Evaluators, Administrators, special appointees, and any others whose influence are part of the judicial mechanism.
"Fraud upon the court" has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to "embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery can not perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication". Kenner v. C.I.R., 387 F.3d 689 (1968); 7 Moore's Federal Practice, 2d ed., p. 512, ¶ 60.23
In Bullock v. United States, 763 F.2d 1115, 1121 (10th Cir. 1985), the court stated "Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. ... It is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted or where the judge has not performed his judicial function --- thus where the impartial functions of the court have been directly corrupted."
[edit] International crimes
By way of custom of international law, genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes are usually not subject to statute of limitations, nor to prescription. This custom has been codified in a number of multilateral treaties. States that ratify the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity agree to not allow limitations claims for these crimes. Article 29 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states that genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes "shall not be subject to any statute of limitations".
[edit] Heinous crimes in the U.S.
Crimes that are considered exceptionally heinous by society have no statute of limitations. As a rule, there is no statute of limitations for murder, especially capital or first-degree murder.
[edit] Continuing violations doctrine
In tort law, if a defendant commits a series of illegal acts against another person, or, in criminal law, if someone commits a continuing crime (like molesting a child over a long period of time, which can be charged as a single offense), the period of limitation may begin to run from the last act in the series. In the 8th Circuit case of Treanor v. MCI Telecommunications, Inc., the court explained that the continuing violations doctrine "tolls [i.e freezes] the statute of limitations in situations where a continuing pattern forms due to [illegal] acts occurring over a period of time, as long as at least one incident . . . occurred within the limitations period".[1] However, in the United States, there has been doctrinal confusion in the courts regarding whether or not the continuing violations doctrine applies to particular violations. For example, the continuing violations doctrine has been ruled to apply to copyright infringement per Taylor v. Meirick 712 F.2d 1112, 1119 (7th Cir. 1983), but has been ruled to not apply per Stone v. Williams, 970 F.2d 1043, 1049-50 (2d Cir. 1992). [2]
· [edit] See also in Ire


Maryam Ruhullah

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Sacrificed On the Altar of Governmental Self-Interest

"No connection can be established between the one and the many, the luminous and the dark, without an intermediary, which in man is the soul." Ibn-al'-Arabi--Metaphysics of Imagination--as translated in The Sufi Path of Knowledge by William C. Chittick

How interwoven are the soul and imagination? How intersected are imagination and the intellect? How conjoined are creativity,(and non-amnesic induced) free thought.

In the context of the collective human experience, when is it acceptable to make the executive decision that one person's life is less valuable than an other's? In the vastness of humankind when did civilized evolution end and progressive intelligence become a threat and who is currently being threatened?

MKULTRA, and my being an unwitting subject of this horror, separated me from the knowledge of my birth name, the fact that I was a mother, the fact of what religion I had practiced as well as a host of other personal awareness. I wonder at this time if Einstein had been around when the United States Government decided that they were in need of subjects for a human behavioral modification program how his life and contribution to mankind would have turned out. After all, a genesis like Einstein would have fit the profile the government was looking for in regards to MKULTRA.

For you art lovers what if Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, or Paul Cezanne had met with the altar? For you music lovers what if Mozart, Bach or Tchaikovsky had suffered the sacrifice? What about What about Buddha, Moses, Christ or Mohammad? What about me? What about you?

The devastation, the excruciation and horrifying invasion of the human mind and spirit via MKULTRA deserves its properly recorded place in history.

Lives of great men all remind us, we should make our lives sublime, departing leave behind us our footprints upon the sands of time--an unknown Greek poet.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Tortured Remembered

I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.---Thomas Jefferson

The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government.---George Washington

After Mk-Ultra things said to me.

I told him that if you were to start remembering that things would be over between us. After all a boy has the right to be raised by his biological mother.---Edward Kennedy

If she does not do for us what she did for the Russians, kill her.---Richard Nixon

The only reason we brought you out of it was to get your input. We have ways of making you do what we want regardless of what you want.-----John Poindexter

Like streams of what appear to be unrelated, deceptive, and unconnected matter, in truth, once the thesis of the last three quotes becomes coagulated, these phrases represent a haunting and disturbing reality.---Maryam Ruhullah

As a survivor of Mk-Ultra, daily, I must face the horrifying reality that I was unwittingly used as a human experimentation subject. Each day, I struggle to find a way to have this inhumane torture reversed and too have my memory and life returned to me.

I must live constantly with the knowledge that I am intellectually and mentally blocked from my own core propensities and talents. Prior to my mental and physical kidnapping, I had the ability to paint with enough talent in my work, that prior to my twenty-first birthday, I had a painting that hung in the Louvre in Paris. Today, I have no way of proving my assertion since I can not remember the name in which I painted.

I honestly, don’t remember the last time I saw any of my biological children. As an person who practiced law prior to my kidnappings, I don’t remember the firm I worked for nor do I remember the name which appears on my law license.

I have of course written to the United States Department of Justice requesting my information under the Freedom of Information Act, only to be told that my records can not be located. How astonishingly amazing, that two federal agents can walk into your home, take you away from everything you are and everyone you love and then later, state to this person, we can not locate your records.

How even more amazing is the fact that finding adequate legal, medical or spiritual support for the survivor of such a tragic reality also can not be located.

Please read the below article regarding a current trial where the government is attempting to escape both accountability and responsibility; while reading the article think of the words of Helen Keller---

"Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsiility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained."

CIA Tries Again to Duck Responsibility for Doing Drug Experiments on

By MARIA DINZEO December 14, 2010 SAN FRANCISCO (CN) - The Central
Intelligence Agency in January will argue for dismissal of Vietnam
veterans' claims that the CIA must provide them with information about
the health effects of chemicals used on them during Cold War-era human
experiments. The CIA also claims it is not obligated to provide the
veterans with medical care for side effects of the drugs. It's the CIA's
third attempt to get the case dismissed.

In a 2009 federal lawsuit, Vietnam Veterans of America claimed that
the Army and CIA had used at least 7,800 soldiers as guinea pigs in
"Project Paperclip." They were given at least 250 and as many as 400
types of drugs, among them sarin, one of the most deadly drugs known to
man, amphetamines, barbiturates, mustard gas, phosgene gas and LSD.

Among the project's goals were to control human behavior, develop
drugs that would cause confusion, promote weakness or temporarily cause
loss of hearing or vision, create a drug to induce hypnosis and identify
drugs that could enhance a person's ability to withstand torture.

The veterans say that some of the soldiers died, and others
suffered grand mal seizures, epileptic seizures and paranoia. The
veterans say the CIA promised in the 1970s to compensate those who were
made guinea pigs, but the 2009 complaint states that the government
"never made a sincere effort to locate the survivors."

In its 32-page motion to dismiss the group's third amended
complaint, the CIA claims it has no legal obligation under the
Administrative Procedures Act to provide the veterans with notice of the
drugs' health effects and that the veterans' notice claim "rests solely
on state common-law duty."

The CIA claims that the law on which the veterans base their claim
for health care compensation stems from the Department of Defense and
Army regulations, "which do not purport to have a binding affect on the
CIA." And it claims that the Defense Department "never intended nor
committed to providing medical care for service member participants in
the test programs."

Defendants. Case No. CV 09-0037-CW Noticed Motion Date and Time:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

My question and concern at this time is if this country is moving forward without taking responsibilty and accountability for its injustices are we now taking forward the same unethical and illegal conduct?

Since we the people are indeed the masses. let us now bring about social jusice.


Maryam Ruhullah