Sunday, 6 March 2022

The Audacity of Arrogance

Sura 34:38
Those who strive against Our Signs, to frustrate them, will be given over into Chastisement.

When a person or a community of people experiences systemic exploitations which too often are justified within the pretentious clock of patriotism, rather realized or not, they are not alone. 

A squash insect reduces the potency of its species' purpose. ""The earthworm has an important role in the ecosystem through enhancing decomposition of soils. The honey bees cross-pollination are essential for  
the germination of plants, (" The magnificent and exceptional contributions given to the sustainability of humankind by such minute creatures as earthworms and honey bees are undeniable,  consequently how can the dignity and purpose of even one human being be dimensions, dissipated or ignored under the umbrella of governmental self-interest.   

While a visitor at a mosque in Birmingham, England, the Imam made a statement which was significantly impacted by the path of supplication.  The cleric mention that it is selfish to pray only for ourselves.  When us finite, healing human beings, enter into prayer often our emotional scars are being felt.  We go into prayer asking our Creator for comfort, guidance and strength.  When an individual has suffered excruciating physical and emotional pain, often these experiences are endured alone.  Therein, it is understandable that a request for help would travel a singular path.  I never prior to Birmingham considered my prayers non-inclusive or shallow.  Yet, now, when I submit my invocations, the Uighurs of China are included, the suffering Muslims of India, the innocent inmates of Guantanamo Bay, the raped victim, the neglected and abused child, the homeless, the misunderstood mentally ill.  the multitudes not mentions here and those unknown to me are included now in my prayers.

Almighty Source, we humbly implore You to manifest Your Compassion, Kindness, Mercy and Healing Powers upon the suffering masses within humankind.  Magnify Your powerful Graces whereas they may be experienced. felt, realized and absorbed.   .

I respectfully request Your Guidance and Clarity from the bewildered state which hinders my spiritual energy while stagnating my hope.  The unhealed mental and emotional lacerations suffocate. I don't remember my biological mother's name but I remember the coercive words when shown a picture of my mother contained in a family heirloom locket, "if you tell we will kill your mother."  

The Invisible Unknown

 Sura 113:1:5  "I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak. And from the evil of the envious one when he envies."

Humanity is entangled within an invisible unknown which is siphoning intellectual, spiritual, and psychological vitality.  The arrogant entity which cannot create anything is attempting to control everything.  The Magnificent, the Volume which has no beginning nor end; is either being commercialized, or minimized in modern day madness.   Wealth, power, yachts, greed, all the things the self-assumed hoarders ravish and collect; end in massive wads of nothingness full of emptiness, as these material things do not fit in a grave,

I recently attended a tribute to the Persian poet Jalal-al-Din Muhammad Rumi.  One of the distinguished guest speakers surprisingly knew who I was.  When the informative lectures ended,the Middle Eastern gentleman knew who I was walking up to me advising that I should write on my blog more often.

I did not immediately take his advice but weeks later when I was approached by a reporter for an interview, I realized that there is an interest in my story.   I put in an email to a friend a few days ago that a survivor, a person who has been exploited should not go silently into their own humiliation and destruction: but instead, they should scream, yell, making a great deal of noise regarding the injustice they have been subjected. 

Friday, 18 February 2022

Healing Focused Memories

 Today is February 18th, 2022 and I am currently chronicling  as many positive events as I can recall,  The event I decided to start with will be those involving nature.  It is my intention to allow this venture to aid in my healing from many past traumas.  Prior to this point, I have been writing these memories in a journal.  I have also used notebooks.  The trouble with these methods is that journals get misplaced and notebooks seem too impersonal. 

Since, I have rightly written down many of the traumatic things inflicted on me in my past, I want to rejuvenate as much as possible in bringing to mind the healing power of nature.  On Wednesday, of this week, following a physical therapy appointment I went for a massage,  The massage location I selected is in the same mall as the therapist.  Wednesday was my second visit to this particular massage parlor and the experience was not as rewarding as my first.  In the same area there is another massage parlor which also offers: facials, manicures, pedicures, and has a much more impressive facade.  I had passed this parlor up reasoning that it would be much more expensive than the one previously chosen.  Yet because I was displeased with the received massage, I decided to inquire about the prices of the second place.

The second location had much more room and staff.  The person who approached me spoke little English but he did get his point across.  Since I had just received a massage, I only wanted a price he stated that the person who gives the massages would tell me,  I told him that I would return next week and left the parlor.  Leaving there, I went for coffee and when returning to the place where I would be picked up by the ride service I used, again I passed the day spa and on the second trip I took notice of some Aloe Vera plants seated near the spa"s interior window.  I entered the spa for the second time and asked if I could take a picture of the plants.  Smiling widely, one of the technicians said a friendly, "yes."  As I used my iPhone to take a few photos of the plants another technician came up and started a conversation about the plants.  She like the gentlemen who had greeted me earlier, the ladies English was challenging to understand.

Well,  I took a few photos of the Aloe Vera plants and realized as I compared the photos to the Aloe Vera plant that I had at home that I had captured part of the Wednesday February 16th, 2022 forever.  The interactions between myself the staff at the spa and the prickly plants were now apart of my focused positive memories.